We work with integrity, in compliance with the law, and maintaining sustainable growth.




The Board of Directors is the highest governing body. It is authorized to make decisions that ensure FINSA’s proper operations, it also establishes strategic, financial, environmental and social goals, and assesses the organization’s annual performance.

Board of


Our management team consists of professionals with extensive knowledge, experience and a track record in real estate, construction and industrial development. The Board of Directors has delegated to the executive directors the responsibility of analyzing market trends in order to contribute to the company’s sustainable development.

It is intregrated by:

  • President and Chief Executive Officer - CEO
  • Finance & Administration Vice Presidency
  • New Business Development Vice Presidency
  • Technical Vice Presidency
  • Human Capital & Sustainable Development Vice Presidency
  • Legal Vice Presidency
  • Strategy, Image and Corporate Communication Vice Presidency



During 2023, we incorporated the risk management policy and applied the relevant methodology to conduct a strategic, operational, compliance and financial risks analysis. Additionally, we created a Risk Committee as a supporting intermediate body for the Board of Directors.


We conduct a security risk analysis to determine potential threats in order to be prepared for any cyber-attack and breach attempts in our information technology systems.

A series of critical controls allows us to define security measures that preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our operating infrastructure, processes and applications.



Our legal department is responsible for reviewing all mandatory requirements in legal, tax, environmental, labor and contractual matters.

In addition, we have defined a series of internal policies to comply with applicable legislation which contain specific guidelines that are mandatory for our collaborators and business partners.

Ethics and


In order to continue with the Plan to Strengthen a Legal Culture, in 2023 we reviewed, updated and redesigned our Code of Ethics and Conduct.

Our Code of Ethics and Conduct contains a section to explain how we identify and manage all risks regarding corruption, bribery and fraud, as well as an example of a situation involving non-compliance with FINSA's guidelines.


At the end of 2023 we launched our new whistleblower hotline, through which employees can share their concerns and report any irregularities in the company, such as inappropriate behavior, non-compliance with policies or the Code of Ethics and Conduct, harassment, conflicts of interest, discrimination, and acts of corruption and bribery, among others.

In 2023, 28 complaints were received through the complaints line, which we followed up 100%

The best suppliers

During the "Proveedores Destacados [Outstanding Suppliers]" event, FINSA awards its best suppliers, those who have worked with excellence and the highest quality standards.

This year, 16 supplier companies were awarded in each of the categories evaluated during the year, including the "Supplier in Development", which allows us to promote small and medium-sized companies that are part of our supply chain.


Development Index

This year we created our first Industrial Development Index (IDI) with the purpose of evaluating the level of industrial growth in all the states of the country to identify which have the best infrastructure in order to capitalize on development opportunities and establish strategies to work on those states at an early-stage process.



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